Leak Test in Seligenstadt
of wastewater pipes from DN 40 to DN 400
Are you looking for a leak test service for your house in Seligenstadt? Our experienced professionals at Abfluss-AS are ready to assist you with any drainage pipes from DN 40 to DN 400.
The legal requirements for companies and property owners to manage their drainage systems in an environmentally responsible manner are becoming increasingly stringent. According to DIN EN 1610, leak tests are mandatory for newly installed wastewater pipes as part of the building inspection process.
For existing drainage systems, leak testing procedures are governed by DIN 1986 Part 30 and the associated guidelines of the German Wastewater Association (ATV).
How to reach us
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More than 1,000 customers rely on the expertise of Abfluss-AS Seligenstadt. Do you too? Get in touch with us.
Our Services
- Leak test of newly laid wastewater pipes
- Leak test of wastewater pipes of special buildings
- Leak test as proof for building insurances
Our emergency vehicle
Municipalities rely on leak testing
Even though the regulation of leak testing according to the Hessian Sewage Inspection Ordinance (EKVO) for private households has been suspended in Hesse since March 2012, many municipalities still enact their own deadlines, which are binding for property owners.
According to the EKVO, all private supply channels should have been examined by a specialist company by December 31, 2024. Exceptions were lines that were built after 01.01.1996 or that were permanently renovated. They should have been checked by the end of 2039. This time constrains – as explained before – are currently not in force. However, the specifications of the municipalities are binding