Rainwater Infiltration in Rödermark
Installation and maintenance of infiltration trenches
Already the increasing land sealing in Germany leads to rising costs for drinking water, wastewater treatment, as well as higher flood water damage all over the country. Therefor rainwater infiltration systems are getting more important to consider in Rödermark and the Rhine-Main-area. This is especially true for new builds, as well as for projects involving conversions and renovations.
Abfluss-AS specializes in modern, environment-friendly rainwater management techniques. We focus on decentralized infiltration systems, such as infiltration troughs, that collect and release rainwater on your property.
What is a storm drain?
An infiltration trench is an underground trench in which rainwater can infiltrate. Infiltration trenches are mainly planned because of limited space and the relatively simple realisation.
Infiltration trenches can be installed under paved paths and areas accessible by lorries. They can be combined with other techniques, e.g. above-ground depressions (swales).
Amendment of the Water Resources Act
According to the amended German Water Resources Act (WHG), more rainwater is to be infiltrated instead of being drained into the sewage system as was previously the case. According to § 55 para. 2 WHG, the mixing of rainwater and wastewater is to be avoided. In fact, this regulation means the end of the principle of mixed sewerage.
Furthermore, rainwater infiltration systems are increasingly prescribed in development plans. Modern infiltration trenches offer various advantages over classic rainwater infiltration (troughs, gravel):
- High storage and infiltration capacity (only 30% of the gravel volume is required for the same capacity).
- Less land required (less excavation)
- Hardly any restriction on surface usability (in contrast to swale infiltration)
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